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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich P.S. New human ontology

Abstract: Is there a possibility for a new human ontology? Is it necessary to go back to the basic elements and meanings pertaining to human ontology? How relevant is the question raised by Max Scheler that in all abundance of our knowledge about the world, the least is about ourselves, thus there is a need for development of a new anthropology, a new doctrine on human being? Or there is no such situation or necessity in the new anthropology? This article contains the answers to these questions. The author compares the classical and non-classical versions of philosophical anthropology, and dwells on the historical fate of philosophical anthropology. The article suggests a thought that among other philosophical disciplines, in essence, only the philosophical anthropology has lost its subject – a human. It resulted in a paradoxical situation – this block of knowledge split into multiple “anthropologies”. The author proposes to develop a new anthropological ontology through apprehending the scattered knowledge on human being. The interpretation of the key notions of human, consciousness, and identity is being compared within the classical and non-classical anthropology.


Philosophy of life, Quantum paradigm, Subjectivity, Identity, Consciousness, Reason, Human nature, Human, Human ontology, Philosophical anthropology

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