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Administrative and municipal law

Berlizov M.P. On the issue of protection of archaeological heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The research subject includes the provisions of the existing legislation on the cultural heritage objects related to the protective zones of archaeological heritage. The research object includes social relations emerging in the process of defining, establishing and approving these protective zones and their appropriateness for the archaeological heritage objects. The author analyzes the changes which had taken place in the legislation under consideration and legal regulation of this issue in the regions of the Russian Federation, detects the existing problem and offers various ways of its solving. The author applies the set of general scientific methods including deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, the historical and sociological methods, the method of comparative analysis. The novelty of the study consists in the fact that based on the historical and legal analysis of the current legislation and the logic of the established practice, the author analyzes the new provision of the federal law, and demonstrates its defects caused by the incorrect interpretation of the meaning of the legal institution by the representatives of the federal specialized body, and offers the concrete ways of changing or amending this law in order to solve the existing problem.


interpretation of the provision, Ministry of Culture, archaeological supervision, protective zones project, temporary protective zones, protective zones, protective zones, archaeological monument, monument area, archaeological heritage object

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