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Administrative and municipal law

Safonenkov P.N. Administrative coercion as a form of coercion by the state

Abstract: The research subject is the institution of administrative coercion and the scientific literature allowing characterizing administrative coercion as a form of legal coercion by the state. The research object covers social relations emerging upon the application of administrative coercion by the authorized public bodies. The article describes the state coercion system and the role of administrative coercion; presents the opinions of scholars about the essence of administrative coercion; analyzes the peculiarities of this legal institution, defines its attributes, formulates the notion, and describes its purposes, grounds, and essence. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and special methods of cognition (formal-legal, analytical, normative-logical, system, etc.). The author concludes that administrative coercion is a form of legal coercion by the state which is the method of public management applied, as a rule, by the authorized bodies; the form of the coercive measures established by the provisions of administrative law and aimed at the provision of the discharge of legal obligations by persons who had committed illegal actions, or in the case of circumstances threatening social relations protected by the law. 


administrative coercion, notion, forms, attribute, purpose, ground, essence, features, specificity, measures

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