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Politics and Society

Yakushina O.I. Models of multicultural social environment and identity

Abstract: The subject of this research is the cultural interaction in the society and correlation with the identity of an individual. The author conducted the search of the modern models of multicultural environment which are proposed by the Russian and foreign researchers. The models reflect the influence of the cultural environment upon the choice and formation of identity in accord with the conscious identification with the certain cultural values, behavior, ideology, and traditions. Within the diverse society there can be various strategies of identity; the multicultural identity suggests the presence of strong ties to two or more different cultures. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the analytical value of the model of multicultural environment for the cultural identification of an individual, as well as which guidelines and strategies he can apply while choosing his personal and group identity within the environment of multiple competitive cultures. The author also attempts to find the model for harmonious interaction between the co-existing cultures.


social environment, multiculturalism, acculturation, intercultural interaction, cultural diversity, group, society, individual, identity, models of multicultural environment

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