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Brazhnikov P.P. The theory of generations in the HR policy and its relationship with the employers competition in the labor market

Abstract: The subject of this article is the theory of generations of Hove N. and W. Strauss, the reasons for its popularity, and the phenomena that it reflects. This theory became popular in Russia in the last decade and has a significant impact on the HR policy of many organizations. One of the reasons for its popularity simplicity this theory compared with other approaches of division into groups of workers to simplification of HR policy. However, this theory is a reflection of the competition of employers in the labor market.The first part of the article contains analyze the most effective modern approaches of dividing workers into groups. This division is necessary to organize and simplify HR policy organizations. It is shown that this theory offers the easiest way to classify employees that facilitates the work of HR departments.In the second part of the article, however, describes the mechanisms of competition of employers for the most highly qualified young professionals. To attract them the most successful companies offer new and attractive working conditions for the creation of a high demand for their jobs. Eventually, the most successful offers employers become the norm. This mechanism is similar to the life cycle of product on market. Moment of widespread new working standards can be mistakenly perceived as youth impose their requirements to employers, which is the cause of the theory of generations. However, this approach forces the most inert of employers to defend themselves, focusing on the older generation. This personnel policy is incorrect in a situation of employers competition and dangerous for the company. The example of the theory of generations shows a real need to understand the market mechanisms for the future of the organization.


HR policy, Management classification, Generation Y, Generation X, Employee classification, Product life cycle, Youth, Employer competition, Job market, Theory of generations

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