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Philosophy and Culture

Faritov V.T. Transgression as a lifestyle in Nietzsche’s philosophy

Abstract: The subject of this research is Nietzsche’s philosophical doctrine in the perspective of transgression. The authors reviews the main categories of Nietzsche’s philosophy (superhuman, will to power, eternal return, nihilism) and determines their correlation with transgression. Special attention is given to the problem of being and becoming with regards to the prospects of transgression. Questions, associated with the problems of culture and state in the philosophy of Nietzsche, are also being examined. A separate paragraph is dedicated to the question about the status of transgression as the principal strategy of life and philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. The main result of the conducted research consists in the conclusion about the status of transgression as a fundamental horizon of Nietzsche’s philosophical doctrine. The author determines that the modern non-classical ontology is based on transgression. Within the existing philosophical discourse the prospect of transgression pushes out the prospect of transcendence.


culture, transcendence, nihilism, eternal return, will to power, Superman, transgression, Nietzsche, being, becoming

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