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Politics and Society

Karpov V.V. Political communications within the structure of the regional political PR (on the example of executive authorities of Omsk Oblast)

Abstract: The subject field of this research covers the processes of political communication on the regional space in the aspect of the work of executive authorities. The dialogue character of communications provides the achievement in realization of the participatory democratic model. Due to the fact that mass media of diverse political orientation, views, and ideas act as the most complete and systemic source of information about the political PR strategy realized by the government authorities, thus one of the most representative methodologies of the assessment of political PR on the level of regional level consists in content analysis. The subject of this research is situated in the intersection of several scientific disciplines, by adding to the latter completeness and integrity of the process of implementation of the author’s idea. The scientific novelty consists in the introduction of a theoretical applied method of content analysis for the purpose of assessment of the work of Omsk Oblast representatives of executive branch. The attraction of content analysis is being realizes via determination of the main indexes that reflect the peculiarities of mass media perception of the work of the government authorities. The channels of political communication used by the government authorities are considered to be insufficient, because they testify to the mobilization character of the PR policy, rather than strategic. The dialogue character of communication requires inclusion of a number of political actors into the government administration as equal partners, as well as suggests the processes of mutual communication, true dialogue, and mutually developed agreement. It means that the regional government not just delivers the already developed solutions and programs to the citizens, but attracts them to participation in the entire process itself. And not necessarily the government acts as the initiator of dialogue. Only in the conditions of the equal dialogue we can talk about the network structure of the political PR.


Political actors, Political communications, Political culture, Semantic scale, Political image, Executive authorities, Political system, Political process, Content analysis, Political PR

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