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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Oleynikov Yu.V. Specific Experience of Overcoming Depression

Abstract: According to the world health organization statistics at the present time depression comes in second (after cardiovascular disease) by the number of cases. This disease responds poorly to treatment and is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the quality of life, severe social consequences and frequently results in suicide attempts to end suffering. The aim of this research is to apply data of psychology, psychiatry and other achievements of medical science to analyze classical history, mechanism and manifestations of depressive disorders, to give their explanation and to show ways of overcoming them through the use of various psychotechnics and influence on somatic changes accompanying depression. The research is based on the demonstration of the author's own successful experience of overcoming the symptoms of depression and similar experiences described in the works of reputable researchers. Critical analysis and comparison of approaches to treatment of depression that has developed in medical science, folk healing methods and Eastern practices of yoga allowed the author to identify and offer an effective complex of self-improvement, which includes: psycho relaxation and overcoming phobias, the method of introspection and positive examples of aerobic activity. Specific successful experience of overcoming depression can be successfully used not only by those who suffer from this disease to facilitate and overcome depression, it can be also useful to practical psychologists and healers. The author used new developments in the field of neuroscience which can help better understand the mechanism of development and manifestations of this psychosomatic disease. 


relaxation, phobia, psychosomatics, soma, psychotechnics, psyche, neurosis, introspection, depression, aerobic exercise

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