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Administrative and municipal law

Shcherbakov O.N. Particular aspects of participation of citizens in public order protection

Abstract: The research subject includes the statutory instruments and law enforcement practice regulating the participation of citizens in public order protection. The research object is the range of public relations emerging in the process of participation of citizens in public order protection. The author considers such aspects of the topic as measures of coercion application by the citizens participating in public order protection, particularly the conveyance and detention of an offender. Special attention is paid to the aspects of people’s guards training in various spheres of their activity including use of force and first aid dressing. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method of cognition. The author applies sociological, statistical, formal-logical, comparative legal methods and the method of comparative analysis. The conclusions are as follows: -         It is necessary to consider the possibility of use such measures of coercion as conveyance and detention of an offender by people’s guards; -         It is necessary to correct the aspects of people’s guards training in the main spheres of their activity including use of force and first aid dressing; -         It is necessary to provide the possibility of legal protection of citizens participating in public order protection; -         It is necessary to study the need for the inclusion of a prohibition of suppression of facts about the planned or committed crimes and administrative offences by the citizens participating in public order protection into the list of elements of their administrative and legal status. The paper contains a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and legal aspects of participation of citizens in public order protection. 


incentives system, non-regular police employees, public order protection, use of force, first aid, authoritative powers, measures of coercion, police, public safety

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