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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Petrukhina S.R. Motivation of Professional Activity of University Teachers and its Impact on Emotional Burnout

Abstract: The object of this research is the motivation of University teachers, which has a huge impact on his professional development and self-actualization of personality. The significance of motivational component in the structure of professional pedagogical activity, its impact on the efficiency of labor is proved through theoretical analysis of the concepts, considering the specific motives of activity. So, K. Zamfir allocates internal and external types of motivation, A. K. Baimetov explores the motives of obligation, commitment and dedication of their subjects, passion for communication, and L. N. Zakharova from numerous professional motives allocates financial incentives, motives related to self-fulfillment, professional motives and the motives of personal self-realization. In accordance with the objectives of the study the author also examines the phenomenon of "emotional burnout", which is a destructive personality changes that not only affect productivity, but also to generate the teacher undesirable quality of changing its professional conduct. The methodological basis involves the theory of A. I. Pines and Aronson, D. V. Demendonca and V. Shaufeli, Maslach K. and S. Jackson. Experimental sample consisted of teachers of natural–science and humanitarian disciplines of the Mari State University and Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar–Ola). For the most complete consideration of the motivational sphere, emotional burnout syndrome, the whole sample was divided into four groups depending on seniority at the University. To test this assumption we conducted a study with application of methods of diagnostics of motivation of professional activity (K. Zamfir in modification by A. Reina), a modified version of diagnostics of the motivational structure of a personality (V. D. Milman), diagnostics of level of emotional burnout (V. V. Boyko). Subsequently, these methods were subjected to correlation analysis (Spearmen). The novelty of the study lies in the detailed study of the question how the peculiarities of motivation for professional activity can influence the degree of emotional burnout of personality of the teacher, namely tested the hypothesis that intrinsic motivation towards the activity contributes to the development of burnout. On the basis of experimental research it is concluded that the link between external positive motivation and use of motivational trend of professional activity of teachers and burnout exists if the professional work experience of over 10 years.


professional deformation, teacher, motivation, personality, depersonalization, intrinsic motives, extrinsic motives, teaching activity, burnout, fatigue

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