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Administrative and municipal law

Shcherbakov O.N. Particular issues of an administrative case initiation

Abstract: The research subject is the stage of initiation of an administrative case. The research object is a pretest of information containing the essential elements of an administrative offence. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the stage of the pretest of information about the committed administrative offence and the order of activities of the subjects of administrative jurisdiction in this situation. Special attention is paid to the meaning of the elements of an administrative offence at the moment of deciding about the essence of the pretest of information containing the essential elements of an administrative offence. The author applies the methods of empirical, experimental-theoretical, and theoretical levels, i.e. comparison, generalization, analysis and synthesis, analogy, interviewing, and the logical method. The author comes to the following conclusions: the provisions of particular departmental statutory instruments, related to the order of consideration of reports and requests about administrative offences, contradict the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation; there exists a legal gap hampering the definition of the period of duration of a pretest of actions (inactions) of persons for the purpose of detecting the essential elements of an administrative offence; an administrative case can be initiated, provided that there is a legal reason and information related to an objective side of the elements of an administrative offence, including the object and the objective side, but most factors, defining the moment when an administrative case is initiated, require the presence of a subject of an administrative offence. The scientific novelty lies in the study of changes in the legislation concerning the proceedings on the stage of an administrative case initiation.  


administrative proceedings, elements of an administrative offences, reports and requests, pretest stage, instruction, response time, procedure of requests consideration, limitation period, parties of the proceedings, procedure

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