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Administrative and municipal law

Trofimova G.A. Constitutional responsibility of local government bodies and officials: problems of theory and legal regulation

Abstract: Local government bodies and officials are the lower tiers within the state system; their responsibility for their activities is a direct and real guarantee of a proper performance of obligations. Constitutional responsibility is one of the forms of responsibility which can be applied to these subjects. Both the level of independence of local governments, and the possibility of imposition of liability on local government bodies and officials depend on the legal regulation of this form of responsibility. The research is aimed at the analysis of the general provisions of constitutional responsibility of local government bodies and officials. The author applies general scientific and specific legal methods of cognition, including the logical, technical, comparative, and system methods. The author defines the correlation of the concepts “responsibility of local government bodies and officials”, “municipal legal liability”, and “constitutional responsibility”; reveals the problems of defining the content of constitutional offence and considering particular measures as the measures of constitutional responsibility; creates the model of a reasonable differentiation of forms of responsibility within the system of local government. 


constitutional responsibility, responsibility of authorities, responsibility of officials, chief of a municipal unit, responsibility of a representative body, municipal legal responsibility, dismissal, responsibility to the citizens, responsibility to the state, independence of local government, constitutional responsibility, responsibility of the authorities, responsibility of officials, the head of the municipality, responsibility of the representative body, municipal liability, dismissal resigned, responsibility to the people, responsibility to the state, local government autonomy

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