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Philosophy and Culture

Skorokhodova S.I. Aesthetic ideas of Y. F. Samarin and N. V. Gogol

Abstract: The subject of this research is the fundamental philosophical aesthetic ideas of Y. F. Samarin and N. V. Gogol. The author determines the characteristic to both scholars ways for solution of the problem of transcending the boundaries of art, which is most significant in Russian culture. From the thinkers’ perspective, the art has to express “national beginning” and serve it: encourage constructive powers, harmonize relationship within the society, and other. Samarin was a creatively gifted individual, while Gogol, especially in his later years, was leaning towards religious-philosophical reasoning of the world and human. Thus, the analysis of various texts (letters, articles, creative oeuvres) and correlation of the aesthetic views of the philosopher and writer are justified. According to Samarin, Gogol captured and expressed in his works main features of the Russian national character. Particularly, the remarkable Gogol’s laugh is the representation of Russian folk spirit. The author concludes that views of Samarin and Gogol on art and its role in life coincided in many aspects. They both believe that there is no that of human without that which is truly national, but the meaning of the Russian art is in its global calling.


Samarin, iskusstvo, narodnoe nachalo, tvorchestvo, muzyka, smekh

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