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History magazine - researches

Dubrovina O.V. Soviet Russia in the public mindset of the Italians during the years of the Second World War: sources and methods of study

Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the public mindset towards the USSR among various population categories in Italy at the end of the twenty-year period of the Fascist regime. The author attempts to analyse the policy of the Fascist regime and its results in achieving a public consensus by means of implanting ideological concepts on the example of forming the image of the USSR, its introduction into the public consciousness, and its fight against the legally functioning Soviet structures on the territory of Italy that were developing propaganda in the opposite direction. The article presents the numerous factors that brought about the formation of a heterogeneous image of the USSR. The study of the public perceptions of the USSR was carried out by means of a comparative analysis of various sources. The sources include both previously unused materials, as well as documents that were already subjected to analyses by foreign and Russian scholars, however, examined under a different light in this article. This set of sources has revealed the dynamics of the changing perceptions of the USSR during the war under the influence of a whole range of factors. The author conducted for the first time in historiography a comprehensive analysis of the accumulated in Italian society knowledge, perceptions, and opinions regarding the USSR, which has allowed to evaluate the efficiency of the Fascist’s regime propaganda activity, on the one hand, and to study the reaction of the Soviet authorities within the framework of the “communications war” at the end of the 1930s – beginning of the 1940s, on the other hand.


SSSR, fashistskaya propaganda, obshchestvennye nastroeniya, formirovanie konsensusa, antisovetskaya propaganda, kommunikatsionnaya voina, ideologicheskaya politika, obraz vraga, antikommunisticheskaya ideologiya

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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