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Administrative and municipal law

Berlizov M.P. Problems of federalism in the sphere of government protection of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The author analyzes the implementation of the concepts of the state cultural policy of the Russian Federation concerning the protection of cultural heritage objects for the past period, demonstrates the existing contradictions between the federal center and the regions of the Russian Federation in relation to forming independent authorized agencies in this sphere, and shows these contradictions using the example of the current Russian legislation and bills, shares his ideas about the issue under consideration. The research methodology consists of general scientific philosophical methods, particularly, the materialistic method, specific scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, modeling, induction, deduction, and abstraction), and special methods, including the statistical method, the formal-logical method, the method of law interpreting, and the method of comparative jurisprudence. To solve the research tasks, the author also applies the analysis of statistical data and legal documents. The author demonstrates the practical realization of the concepts of cultural policy in Russia by the federal center and the regions, the appearing contradictions, caused by the regions’ independence, which is provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the possible variants of further developments in this sphere. 


cultural heritage object, competence, independence, federalism, executive bodies, government protection, bill, contradictions, federal center, regions of the Russian Federation

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