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Police activity

Ponikarov V.A., Gabibov R.K. Administrative-legal status of a pretrial detention facility in law-enforcement activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The research subject is administrative-legal status of a pretrial detention facility of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in implementing law-enforcement functions within penitentiary system of Russia, and systematization of administrative-legal status of a pretrial detention facility. The authors are the first to study this issue due to the fact that the profile of a pretrial detention facility is not quite clear. The research methodology comprises the general scientific dialectical method. The authors also apply the method of historical analysis of administrative status of a pretrial detention facility, and the deductive method, to define the place of a pretrial detention facility in the public administration system. The authors use the methods of induction, analysis and synthesis, which help achieve most of the results and develop the concepts of the study. The authors conclude that it is necessary to improve the elements and components of administrative-legal status of a pretrial detention facility in law-enforcement activities. The authors define the basis of administrative-legal status of a pretrial detention facility and establish its profile. The authors outline the peculiarities of administrative-legal status of a pretrial detention facility; offer the definition of this category. The authors substantiate the composition of this status in the law-enforcement sphere (tasks, functions, rights, duties, responsibility, legal guarantees of a pretrial detention facility as a legal entity), and confirm the concepts of administrative legal competence and capacity of a pretrial detention facility.


elements, activities, pretrial detention facility, status, administrative, essence, legal competence, legal capacity, Federal Penitentiary System, law enforcement

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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