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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Shcheglova I.G. Features of Valuable Orientations of Senior School Students Predisposed to Oniomania

Abstract: The author of the article identifies and describes some characteristics of value orientations of senior pupils-prone oniomania. The author argues that with age the value orientation are subjected to various metamorphoses. The peak of formation of valuable orientations takes place in the senior school age, when the main predictabi personality is their independence, autonomy, self-direction in achieving success. The author also establishes that this age is a dangerous time for the formation of different types of dependencies. The younger generation especially vital intermediate reacts to the circumstances of transition, as not having sufficient life experience, training, stable value orientations, is on the lower level of the economic and social pyramid. The relevance of the study confirmed the instability of value orientations, growth of predisposition to oniomania among adolescents and the need to provide them with timely assistance and prevention. From the point of view of the author there is a relationship between hierarchy of values and a predisposition to oniomania. When ranking the values of the constructed hierarchy of value orientations of adolescents prone oniomania and the interrelation between the hierarchy of values and a predisposition to oniomania. 


older students, adolescents, teenagers, addiction, shopping addiction, value orientation, susceptibility to oniomania (compulsive buying dis, values, younger generation, hierarchy

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