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Politics and Society

Popandopulo O.A., Vasil'eva E.N., Galkin A.P. Prospects of becoming a humanistic model of legal socialization in Russian society

Abstract: This article analyzes alternative models of legal socialization in contemporary Russian society. The author proceeds from the fact that in the process of law-abiding behavior leading factor is the nature of social and legal relations (authoritarian or humanistic) between the individual, society and the state. The main feature of the model is a humanistic personotsentricheskoy recognition dominance of internal spiritual forces and qualities in the process of becoming a full-fledged subject of public-right relations. Her alternative acts sociocentric authoritarian model as the main determinants are recognized by external social conditions and factors that determine the vector of socio-legal development of the individual. The study promising theoretical model of legal socialization of the individual in Russian society were used ideas of personalism NA Berdyaev, E. Mounier and SL Frank, the concept of social action Weber, T. Parsons and Habermas, social and psychological ideas of Erich Fromm. The paper concludes that the traditional, historically conditioned national model of legal socialization in Russian society advocates an authoritarian model. However, social progress requires the development of a humanistic model personotsentricheskoy legal socialization that promotes the formation of subject-subject relations in the legal life. The priority of the model are the natural rights and freedoms constitutes one of the existential foundations of personal identity.


law-abiding behavior, authoritarian, Russian society, humanism, public relations, legal education, legal socialization, legal values, social institution, civil society

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