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Politics and Society

Platonova N.I. Legal regulation of party loans

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the examination of legal regulations of sources of financing the current work of the political parties in the Russian Federation. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as ability of the parties to attract necessary funds via concluding a loan agreement and credit agreements. Insufficient attention to these questions from the legislator’s side allows the parties to use this source of forming the party budgets as a “detour” of the requirements and limitations provided for donations, which contradicts the principle of transparency and independency of the parties from the sources of financing. The conducted analysis of the current legislation, as well as data from the consolidated financial reports of the political parties of the Russian Federation in the period of 2007-2015 allowed determining a number of flaws of the legal regulation of methods used by the political parties for attracting the finances via signing loan agreements (credit). Due to this fact, the author develops and proposes ways for improving the corresponding legislation; particularly, it is suggested to make changes in separate articles of the Federal Law “On Political Parties”.


political corruption, limits of donations, donations, credit agreement, loan agreement, political parties, parties funding, interests fo loan agreement, terms and conditions of loan agreement

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