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Administrative and municipal law

Shapovalova G.M. The provision of public and municipal services in the electronic form on the stage of the information society development

Abstract: Computerization has a significant impact on the development of the society, on the relations between the state and citizens. The article shows the evolution of the concepts «Information society» and «Global information society». The author discusses the improvement of Russian normative legal base in the context of the global information society, emphasizes the importance of legal awareness of citizens by means of openness and accessibility as one of the main tasks of public authorities and local self-government. The author demonstrates the necessity to clarify normative legal formulations. The author applies the method of theoretical research of the works of Russian and foreign scholars, whose studies focus on the essence and the patterns of formation of the national and global information society. The author concludes that, with the rapid formation of legal acts and the change of the situation in the information society, new problems emerge: the preparation of normative legal acts doesn't always conform with the changing conditions; the integration of legislation in the allied branches is also problematic.  


legal regulation, normative legal act, legislation, foreign legislation, global information society, information society, society, information policy, state, state information services

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