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National Security

Beshukova Z.M. Retrospective analysis of the criminal legislation of the Russian Empire on responsibility for extremism (On the 1845 Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishment and Criminal Code of 1903)

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the retrospective analysis of the legislation of the Russian Empire for actions that would today fall under the category of extremism. The subject of this research is the key positions of the 1845 1845 Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishment and Criminal Code of 1903, representing the prototype of crimes of extremist nature. The author states that actions that fall under the legal definition of extremism are included into the various chapters and sections of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, majority of them pertain to crimes against the foundations of the constitutional structure and security of the state; against public safety and public order. Advancements in the legislation on responsibility for extremism is directly connected to certain historical eras of development of Russian statehood and establishment of the national legal culture. The author analyzes the norms that set the responsibility for political crimes and crimes against religious beliefs. The article presents the continuity of certain legislative decisions on responsibility for crimes of extremist nature by the legislation of Russian Empire and by modern Russian criminal legislation.


Russian Empire, extremism, political crimes, crimes against religion, Criminal Code, pre-revolutionary legislation, criminal association, social order, incitement of hate, riot

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