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Politics and Society

Martyshenko N.S., Gusev E.G. Social wellness monitoring in Primorsky Krai under the conditions of economic crisis

Abstract: This article presents the results of the monitoring of public opinion of the Primorsky Krai related to the ongoing economic crisis. The results reveal that the economic crisis affects the social wellness of the population, and majority of the population experience a drop in quality of life, translating into social tension. The article presents the findings of the research on the Krai’s reaction to the changes in the structure of the selection of goods and services in the local market. The author identifies the categories of goods and services that demonstrated the drop in demand as a result of the sanctions against Russia, and conducts the analysis of the data from the monitoring of the social wellness of the population of Primorsky Krai, as well as various assessments of the consumer reactions to the changes in the market that have been gathered from two polls conducted in October of 2014 and October of 2015. A distinguishing factor of the conducted polls consists in the use of a vast number of open questions. A special computer program was used to summarize and categorize the responses. The author concludes that the social wellness of the population is the key component of the success or failure of the reforms conducted by the government and branches of local authority.


data analysis, questionnaire, monitoring, purchasing power, social wellness, economic sanctions, economic crises, processing of quality information, computer technology

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