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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Rakhmanovskaya E.A. Religious Aspect of Fredriech Nietzsche's Philosophy

Abstract: The author disputes the common belief that Friedrich Nietzsche was an atheist, and follows how his religious motives come from the main ideas of his philosophy, and the idea of the Will to Power is the most important of them. Special attention is paid to Nietzsche's attitude to a philosopher as the one who can see the world without falsification and simplification and enjoy a god-creating instinct. Nietzsche was fiercelly critical of all religions and considered them as the manifestation of decadence. However the religious motives accompanied all his creative work. The research is mainly based on the analysis of “Beyond Good and Evil” as well as other works of the philosopher. The author holds the opinion that Nietzsche denied the content of  the main religions but didn't deny the possibility of religion itself. Nietzche viewed the Dionysus symbolics as the core of a new religion. These symbolics put a human being with his passions and instincts in the center, eliminate transcendence and confirms the idea of Super Man as the possibility of a human being to create his own God inside.


Nietzsche, religion, Dionysus, atheism, will to power, Lebensphilosophie, morality, instinct, human nature, God

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