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Pedagogy and education

Senchugova V.Yu., Evdokimov K.V., Pankova L.V. The Model of the Strategic Management of Additional Vocational Training Institutions in Terms of Integration of Russia into the World Educational Space

Abstract: The subject of the article is the organizational and economic mechanisms of development of educational institutions, methods and tools for organizational management of additional professional education (APE) services. The aim of this article is to improve the management of APE organizations and development of practical recommendations for the integration of the model of strategic management of the APE organizations in additional vocational training. This model presumes the units providing the attraction of potential consumers of educational services and feedback from graduates, improving the quality of services provided. The task is achieved by the methods of statistical research, expert assessments, systematic approach, generalization and systematization. The current problems in the APE in Russia were disclosed by analyzing legal, informational and instructional materials and synthesis processes typical for the Russian market of educational services of APE purposely the modernization of the existing administrative tools of organizations for use in APE organizations based on theories of strategic and cost management was carried out. As a result, features of functioning and management of the APE organizations in modern conditions were identified. By analyzing modern scientific researches in the field of strategic and cost management, the authors offer their own conceptual model for strategic development of the organization to increase the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of APE organizations in terms of integration of Russia into the world educational space.


business school, educational organizations, cost management, model of strategic management, strategic management, educational services market, additional vocational education, centre of competences, public-private partnerships, alumni association

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