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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Dement'eva L.A., Chebakova Yu.V. Features of Psychological Self-Regulation in Adolescents with Psychic Infantilism

Abstract: The problem of psychic infantilism is relevant both from the point of view of social phenomena of modern society, and psychiatric diagnosis and prognosis of psychic disorders in childhood and adolescence. The analysis of the clinical and psychological literature devoted to the problem of psychic infantilism, showed that in modern psychiatry boundaries of this phenomenon are not defined, moreover, psychology does not have diagnostic tools  that would qualify and differentiate this phenomenon both in normal and pathological development of children and adolescents. The generalization of psychological phenomena in psychic infantilism showed the greatest heuristic nature of the psychological construct of self-regulation. The authors of the article considers this factor to be a backbone that integrates all the diversity of psychological phenomenology of psychic infantilism through his emotional, social and personal components. The purposes of the research is to study psychological peculiarities of self-regulation as a marker of psychic infantilism in adolescents with organic and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The research involved 140 infantile and non-infantile adolescents with organic non-psychotic disorders (F06.6 - F06.8) and schizotypal disorder (F21). For the study of psychological self-regulation of adolescents with mental disorders with psychic infantilism and without the following methods were used: 1. "Drawing a non-existent animal"; 2. The research technique of self-esteem offered by Dembo-Rubinstein; 3. Cloninger test TCI-140. To analyze the results of the study the researchers used the following statistical criteria: 1) Chi-square Pearson; 2) angular Fisher transformation; 3) U-Mann-Whitney test for ordinal scales. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors systematized psychological phenomenology of psychic infantilism in adolescents with mental disorders from the point of view of the emotional, social and personality self-regulation using multiple criteria psychodiagnostic assessment. It is shown that the peculiarities of emotional, social and personal psychological components of self-regulation in adolescents with psychic infantilism have specific differences depending on their nosology. The infantile adolescents with non-psychotic organic disorders registered higher compared to non-infantile patients this nosological group results highlighted psychological components of self-regulation in the leading role of the social component, which is associated with the compensation mechanism of cognitive failure. Infantile adolescents with schizotypal disorder, on the contrary, found lower rates of psychological self-regulation compared to non-infantile peers, reflecting the deepening nosological characteristics of psychic defect.


schizotypal disorder, organic non-psychotic disorders, psychology, personal self-regulation, psychiatry, psychic infantilism, adolescence, psychological self-regulation, emotional self-regulation, social self-regulation

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