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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Epanchintseva G.A., Barkovskaya A.P. Comprehension of the Phenomenon of Cruelty During Classical and Post-Classical Periods of Development of Psychology

Abstract: The authors of the present research has conducted the comparative theoretical analysis of cruelty. It is revealed that views on the nature and origin of violence has been changing significantly throughout times. The authors describe differences in views on cruelty during the classical and post-classical periods of the development of psychology . The authors have also identified some specific factors that contribute to the formation and manifestation of violence. By analyzing the results of various researches, the authors show the distinctive features of cruelty from similar phenomena such as rage, aggression and hatred. The authors also consider the influence of genetic features and acquired social factors on the formation and manifestation of cruelty. It is revealed that cruelty is not only a permanent or situational quality, a variety of reasons and factors of different nature and content influences it. The main methods of the research of the phenomenon of violence in this article were: theoretical analysis, psychological and comparative analysis and classification of the conceptual framework. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have reviewed and reconceived a number of concepts of cruelty. The authors have also described and analyzed internal and external factors that lead to cruelty. Based on the theoretical analysis of cruelty the authors emphasize the need to clarify the meaning and significance of this concept for a more thorough identification of numerous terminological differences in the use of the term "cruelty".


violence, gloat, psychology, personality, cruelty, aggression, hatred, rage, ruthlessness, sadism

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