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Software systems and computational methods

Golosovskiy M.S., Esev A.A. Technology of base of psychological and didactic tests synthesis for computer-aided learning systems

Abstract: The subject of the research is the synthesis of the base of psychological and didactic tests for monitoring the level of knowledge, implemented through a system test control system of computer-aided learning systems. The functioning of such systems is based on the implementation of adaptive testing as a process of automated selection of test items (test questions) of a such level of difficulty, in which the objective accuracy of the level of student's knowledge measurement reaches a maximum. A base of control tests, combining psychological and didactic tests is an important part of such system. To carry out the research the authors used methods of pedagogical science, structural systems analysis, expert assessments, database design for automation systems. As a result of the research the authors developed and successfully tried out the synthesis technology for base of tests in computer-aided learning, allowing implementing adaptive management of education process by providing training influences appropriate for individual psychological characteristics of each student and providing a level of training of students with automated control of their level of motivation and commitment.


standardized test scores, adaptive testing, automated control of knowledge, computer aided learning, educational informatics, base of tests, didactic tests, psychological tests, system of tests, management training

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