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Philosophy and Culture

Kulikov S.B. Phenomenological Principles of Structuring Science Images

Abstract: The subject of the research is the mechanisms of structuring images of science within implementation of the phenomenological program of researches first founded by Edmund Husserl in the first third of the XXth century. The relevance and importance of the topic is caused by the two facts. Firstly, the relevance is caused by the great value which phenomenological development in modern philosophy has. The phenomenological program of researches is realized in the field of art, policy and culture in general. Secondly, researches that are based on the phenomenological approach to structuring images of science possesses the heuristic potential to overcome manipulative strategy revealing in the process of demystification (more precisely, demythologization) pf procedures for creating scientific knowledge. The methodology of the research includes the comparative analysis and hermeneutic reconstruction which allow to compare phenomenology with other options of understanding of science images and to reveal complete sense of phenomenology. The novelty of the research is caused by the special turn of philosophical thought which was required to be executed in order to understand the object under research, i.e. the image of science. The author comes to the conclusion that within phenomenology reviving some ideals of antiquity in modern culture, images of science are structured within the general denaturalization of knowledge which, however, doesn't coincide with historical forms of knowledge. From the phenomenological point of view, scientific activity is a process of creation of knowledge which implies procedures of justification and description as part of the cognitive mind. Such understanding of science images allows to understand their ineradicable plurality in modern culture and to explain the reasons of this plurality. 


historicism, naturalism, methodology of philosophical research, phenomenology, ancient legacy, science images, demystification of discoveries, ideal, horizon, world of science

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