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Philosophy and Culture

Faritov V.T. Dialectics and Transgression in Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's and Friedrich Nietzsche's Teachings. Comparative Research

Abstract: In a number of contemporary philosophical teachings the phenomenon of transgression takes the same place as the phenomenon of transcedence in classical metaphysics. The purpose of the present research article is to explicate the place and role of transgression in Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's and Friedrich Nietzsche's teachings. Philosophical searches of the aforesaid philosophers were carried out at the border between classical and nonclassical philosophies and thus finalized classical metaphysics and anticipated conceptual findings of the XXth century. The author of the present article has conducted a comparative research of the dialectical interaction between transgression and transcedence in Hegel's and Nietzsche's works. In addition to traditional research methods the author has partly used the methodological tools of deconstructivist and poststructuralist approaches. Faritov has also applied the method of comparative analysis. According to the researcher, in Hegel's works transgression is shown as a dialectical process of denial, removal and overcoming of definite borders of particular discourses. Hegel included transgression into the metadiscourse about absolute Idea and Spirit. That is the point where transgression completes its function of extension of definite borders of particular final discourses to maximum and infinite certainty of the transcendental metadiscourse. Hegel's teaching deals with the internal transgression as part of the metaprospect of transdendence. Nietzsche refused from the idea of dialects being governed by the transcendence metadiscourse. Transgression prospects involves transcendence as a particular step to be made in the dialectical process. 


Nietzsche, Hegel, metadiscourse, discourse, prospect, transcedence, transgression, dialectics, removal, ways of existence

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