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History magazine - researches

Terekhov O.E. The “conservative revolutionary movement” as a phenomenon of right-wing modernism in the Weimar republic

Abstract: This article examines the phenomenon of the ideology behind the “conservative revolution” within the intellectual space of the Weimar republic in Germany. The author gives a general description of the “conservative revolutionary movement” in the context of the development of German conservatism in the Weimar republic and notes that the “conservative revolutionary movement” was an attempt to create new German conservatism and nationalism of a radical nature. The “conservative revolutionaries” were not satisfied with the system of values and with the political concepts of traditional German conservatism, which is why the author addresses in detail the problem of the correlation between traditional and modernist traits in the ideological heritage of the “conservative revolutionaries”. On the example of the ideological and political concepts of the leading representatives of the “conservative revolution” O. Spengler, A. Moeller van den Bruck, K. Schmitt, E. Jünger, E. Niekisch, the author analyses their views on modernism and their individual contribution to the formation of a general modernist trend in the intellectual phenomenon of the “conservative revolution”. The author comes to the conclusion that the “conservative revolutionaries” took up a search for contemporary forms and methods of representing their views, which were positioned by them as a “new worldview” and a “new ideology”. For this aim they used modernist categories to convey their ideas to the masses and to develop contemporary methods for theoretically combatting their ideological opponents. The ideology of the “conservative revolution” became one of the forms of right-wing modernism.


right-wing modernism, nationalism, traditionalism, modernism, Germany, Weimar republic, “conservative revolution”, O. Spengler, K. Schmitt, E. Jünger

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