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Administrative and municipal law

Bondar' E.O., Shurukhnova D.N. Administrative liability for insurance legislation breach

Abstract: The authors of the article pay special attention to the issues of administrative liability imposition on insurance agencies for the breach of insurance legislation according to clause 3, article 14.1. of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation. The authors note that for a long time different approaches to the understanding of breach of license had existed in the judicial practice. The object of the research is the analysis of understanding of breach of license requirements which can lead to the imposition of an administrative fine for the violation of license requirements, or to the recall of a license. Mainly, the authors analyze the administrative-imperative method. Administrative norms determine the code of conduct in the form of categorical directions which can’t be breached, and provide such measures of impact of administrative bodies on other participants of administrative relations as compulsory legal acts, directions and orders, executive actions, administrative coercive measures. The daily administrative-public activities are carried out by means of these measures. Particularly, the settlement of questions of licensing of physical persons and legal entities is carried out by means of issuing of legal acts or by means of executive actions of these bodies. The authors consider the problems of administrative liability imposition on the insurer for the breach of insurance legislation. The authors analyze the judicial practice, particularly, the Decision of the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation No 13004/13 of February 4, 2014 which doesn’t contain the provision about the possibility to revise judicial acts according to new circumstances. The authors note that at present the insurance legislation violation is a breach of license conditions by the insurer. Thus the authors managed to substantiate the refutation of the existing practice of subordinate courts in the part which provides that the breach of the compulsory motor TPL insurance entails civil liability, but not the administrative one. Having analyzed the conclusions of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Arbitration, the authors suppose that imposition of administrative liability on the insurer for the breach of insurance legislation, provided the correct interpretation by subordinate courts, is of a primary importance. 


insurance legislation, administrative liability, licensing requirements, insurance activities, licensed activity, license, licensing, imposition, breach, civil liability

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