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Trends and management

Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Human resource management in innovation, based on work analysis and level of competence

Abstract: The subject of this article is the method of management, control and diagnostics of competence, based on the financial result of an innovation project. The object of research is the innovation personnel of an organization. The goal of this article is to develop a method of innovation personnel management on the basis of control and diagnostic of the level fompetence of innovation on the global market, taking into account the complexity of the innovation projects and the risks that they carry. Under "innovation party competence", the article understands the presence of a competence as a system of knowledge and practical experience that are required for an innovation team for a competitive innovation product, or service. The authors studied the defining traits of personnel management in the innovation industry, gave the definition of competency control and diagnostics for the innovation industry, structurized the external and internal risks of an innovation project, and formulated the requirements for the innovation party's level of competence. The authors narrow down the definition of personnel management in the innovation industry, define and provide criteria for innovation party 's competence, based on the analysis of the specifics of their work, provide a method of control and diagnostics for competence levels in the innovation industry, and formulate the method for competence evaluation, based on the final result of the innovation project.


monitoring, diagnostics, financial result, structure of competence, innovative activities, project, competence, human resource management, risk, globalization

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