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Trends and management

Shul'ts V.L., Kul'ba V.V., Shelkov A.B., Chernov I.V. Regional security management: Analyzing the efficiency of social stability monitoring

Abstract: The paper is focused on the methodological and applied issues of development regional security management processes. In this work, the basic principles of organization of social stability monitoring are being examined. The results of the analysis of mass media and social networks monitoring effectiveness are presented. The set of basic technological tasks of monitoring automation is considered. The results of the analysis of the problems of the conception and use of key performance indicators for regional security management processes are presented. The basic requirements for such indicators are formulated. The results of the analysis of the main paths for improving the efficiency of the social stability monitoring systems using the modified I.-M. Marty chart are presented. The solution for regional security management problems is formulated using the scenario analysis methodology, it’s the initial data base including monitoring data on social stability in the region. The results of the analysis conducted have shown that information technologies of monitoring must be built on the set of target indicators of social stability in order provide the necessary level of efficiency and completeness of information for effective decision-making. The use of the modified I.-M. Marty chart and the sets of indicators developed on this basis can significantly improve the efficiency of monitoring by streamlining data flows and reducing non-productive costs of data collecting and processing.


management decisions, scenario analysis, data flows, information technologies, social stability, regional security, monitoring, management, mass media, social networks

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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