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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Fel'dman P.Ya. Interest groups in overcoming the global destabilization

Abstract: This article reveals the prospects for utilizing the stabilizing potential of interest groups in overcoming global conflict and instability. The author concludes that the economic actors and civil society institutions can play a significant role in resolving the conflict between Russia and the West, as well as in protecting national interests of our country on the world stage.The methodological basis of the study includes a systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative political, geopolitical, cultural and civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and observation. The current stage of the development of international relations is characterized polysubject actors that are directly or indirectly involved in the formation of a global political order. The rapid growth of influence of the large corporations, indoctrination and politicization of social structures, the formation of a global information space resulted in the loss of power monopoly by the state in international relations. Interest groups (companies, financial organizations, NGOs, media, etc.), on the other hand, acquired the status of independent actors of the global political process.


diplomacy, conflicts, destabilization, interest groups, lobbying, international confrontation, state, interests, values, security

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