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Police activity

Bukalerova L.A., Pitikin R.A. Correlation of official forgery with other crimes

Abstract: The subject of the research is official forgery, the most widespread crime against public authority, interests of public service and local authorities. Its share in the period of 1997 – 2015 was from 28,2 to 34,2%. The studied law-enforcement practice shows that illegal turnover of official documents is very often combined with other types of crimes. It should be admitted that various crimes cause specific and heterogeneous forms of documents forgery, therefore each particular case requires not only the comparison of the signs of forgery as an independent crime, but also the investigation of other peculiarities of the deed. The authors apply the comparative-legal method to analyze a wide range of materials, scientific literature and printed media. The formal-legal method helps to formulate the authors’ definitions. The authors suppose that the publishing, keeping, protection and issue of official documents are the main functions of officials, public servants and local authorities’ servants. The deeds of officials who had committed official documents forgery using their authority against the interests of their service, in their personal interests, which caused significant violation of rights and interests of other citizens or organizations, or the protected by the law interests of the society or the state, should not be considered as a competition of a general and a special rule, but should be qualified in the totality of articles 285 and 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 


malfeasance, officials, cumulative offenses, qualification of crimes, crime, forgery, corruption, official documents, false documents, abuse of authority

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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