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National Security

Kiselev A.E. Improvements to the classification of approaches towards strategic management of state corporations under current circumstances

Abstract: This article examines the approaches towards management of state corporations from the perspective of ensuring stable growth of Russian economy and providing security. Two types of management of state corporations are being highlighted – traditional and innovative, including the differentiating aspects of both. The author substantiates the fact that the current approaches towards strategic management of state corporations need optimization and improving. In this article an attempt is made to systematize and propose a number of original approaches towards classification and improvements to the methods of strategic management of state corporations in foreign and Russian practice. The author demonstrates that under current conditions, which make it absolutely essential to have a planned and stable step by step development of national economy and economic subjects that form it, the use of innovative approach towards strategic management of state corporations is an objective necessity, corresponding to the current situation and scientific achievements in the management sphere.


proactivity, innovative approach, indicative planning, learning management, objectives management, state corporations, strategic management, state management, delegation of authority, functional strategies

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