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National Security

Tsvetkov I.A. On certain aspects of use of intellectual property for the purpose of fulfilling government procurement via electronic auctions

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the relevant issues of civil law pertaining to certain aspects of use of intellectual property of the Russian Federation, as well as protection of interests of the Russian Federation in the area of use of the results of intellectual activity during electronic auctions within the framework of fulfillment of government procurement. The author presents the analysis of the existing legal regulation on this process, and concludes that there is a need to improve the legislation in order to protect intellectual property belonging to the Russian Federation. The theoretical and practical interest is substantiated by the proposal to introduce changes into the current legislation in this area that would increase the level of protection of the intellectual property of the Russian Federation.


government procurement, electronic auction, rights holder, results of intellectual activity, intellectual property, Russian Federation, contract, Ministry of defence, legislation, civil law

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