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Philosophy and Culture

Nikonova S.B. To the Philosophy of the Dialogue of Cultures. Based on the Materials of the XIV International Likhachov Scientific Conference

Abstract: In her article Nikonova discusses the problems associated with the idea of the dialogue of cultures in the modern world. These problems are associated with the origin of the idea of the dialogue of cultures from the foundations of modern European individualism and subjectivist conception of cognition. Western European way of thinking is characterized by internal contradictions. According to the author, development of the humanistic ideal and recognizing the value of a unique human being according to the structural conditions of its formation have depersonalization, dehumanization and violence as its reverse side. On the basis of a number of papers presented at the XIV International Likhachev Scientific Conference, an overview of the different positions in relation to the possibility of the dialogue between cultures is provided. The author analyzes the changing views on the dialogue of cultures in the light of the growing tension in modern society, and also examines the philosophical foundation of the current situation. As a result, the dialogue of cultures in the modern world is shown as the possibility that is still to be opened which causes the extreme urgency of the ongoing philosophical debate on this topic.


dialectic, subjectivism, New European cultural project, Me and the Other, culture, conflict, contradiction, humanism, dialogue, secularization

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