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Administrative and municipal law

Savchenko E.A. Legal problems of administrative responsibility regulation in the sphere of communications

Abstract: The communication services market has been growing recently, with new operators of communicational networks regularly appearing. The market growth is connected with the increase of the amount of administrative offences of communication operators which indicates inefficiency of legal mechanisms of administrative responsibility regulation in the sphere of communications. It conditions the urgency of revision of the regulations of the Code of Administrative Offences in the sphere of communications, their modernization and amending. The article is aimed at the formation of practical recommendations of revision of the main provisions regulating the activities of communication operators. To achieve this goal the author formulates a range of tasks: to analyze the communication services market in Russia and the dynamics of its development; to analyze the amount of administrative offences committed by the communication operators; to consider the drafts of provisions and articles of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation; to formulate practical recommendations of the CoAO amending. The methodological base of the research includes the methods of legal and statistical analysis. The research demonstrates the dynamical figures of the communication services market growth and the frequency of administrative offences, determining the urgency of amending the CoAO with the articles 13.32 – 13.42. The research reveals the drawbacks of the considered articles with regard to concepts, differentiation of responsibility between the subjects of offences, amount of fine for a repeated offence. For elimination of the revealed drawbacks the author offers to use his definitions, structure of fine, ways of legal contradictions elimination, and the experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 


administrative responsibility, communication operators, project, authorization procedures, communication services, code, Roskomnadzor, report, article, new version

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