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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Posypanova O.S. Psychological and Marketing Features of the Consumer Self-Concept

Abstract: Advertising, promotion, marketing effect a potential buyer more and more subtly, not just motivating him but invading the deep layers of his self-concept. The present research is dedicated to the analysis of what features of the self-concept respond to the marketing impact. According to the authors, the consumer self-concept is a structural layer of the general self-concept which becomes activated when you use the product and is always bonded with the product. In her article Posypanova has researched psychological features of the consumer self-concept, in other words, those that provide a subjective control over shopping and buying products: consumer self-analysis and reflection, awareness, predicting ability, goal-setting ability, crisis manifestation, personality externalization, self-realization, terminality, internality and complexity of the personal structure of values and motives. The author has also described marketing features of the consumer self-concept, in other words, those that provide active response to external sales stimulus and thus influence the consumer objectivity: dualism with the goods, reactivity, sensitivity, dependence on advertisements and the seller, mental passivity, symbolism and plasticity. It was determined that the consumer self-concept has the following functions: regulatory, restrictive, antimanipulational functions, the function of self-determination in the world of things and the function of the acceleration of consumption.


objectivity, subjectivity, marketing features of self-concept, psychology in marketing, self-concept, self-image, consumer behavior psychology, consumer psychology, economic psychology, psychological features of self-concept

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