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Politics and Society

Goncharova I.V., Pronchev G.B. Virtual Social Networks For the Visually Impaired People

Abstract: The author considers in detail the practice of the use of virtual social networks by the disabled persons. The work discusses the issues connected with social integration and adaptation of visually impaired people. The emphasis is made on the process of the integration of the disabled persons into the society by the means of opportunities provided by the Internet. The experience of the Russian Federation in this field is analysed. In particular, the attention is paid to the Russian Federation Government Programme "Accessible Environment". The article provides the examples of existing virtual social networks for the visually impaired people. The statistics of the World Health Prganisation has been used. The methodological basis of the research is comprised of classical and modern theoretical provisions of social and humanitarian fields of scientific knowledge, allowing to consider the basic regulation of the social processes involving visually impaired citizens. The research conducted by the authors significantly filled the gaps in the scientific knowledge regarding the processes of adaptation of the disabled persons into the society using the opportunities offered by the virtual social networks. Methodological significance is justified by the criteria and indexes of sociological monitoring and the evaluation of the level of adaptation and integration of the disabled people into public institutions, suggested by the authors. 


World Health Organization, All Russia Association of the Blind, visual impairment, visually impaired, Internet, virtual social networks, social integration, adaptation, visual information, social processes

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