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Philosophy and Culture

Khrapov S.A. Axiodynamics of Social Consciousness in Post-Soviet Russia: Socio-Cultural Analysis

Abstract: The subject of research in the article is the philosophical analysis of the axiodynamics of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia. Axiodynamic processes of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia are presented in accordance with their phenomenological and mental grounds and social conditions. A significant aspect of the study is the philosophical analysis of the "diffusion of values": the loss of old values and the emergence of new values, distorted perception of westernized values, etc. The subject of the research is specified in the following sections of the article: "Social conditions of axiodynamics of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia" and " Axiological crisis in terms of transformation of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia. "The research methodology involves the combination of axiological, socio-cultural and socio-ontological approaches. The content and structural processes of axiodynamics of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia are analyzed by using the combination of philosophical research methodology and the framework of categories and concepts and methods of social psychology and social cognitive science.The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher identifies the following particula features of axiodynamics of social consciousness in post-Soviet Russia: 1) Axiological crisis has led to phenomenological, socio-gnoseogenic and structure-functional transformations of public consciousness in post-Soviet Russia those transformations in many respects reached crisis proportions; 2) all the basic axiological crises of modern Western culture were immanent for the post-Russian public consciousness although they gain the features of the socio-cultural environment and the cousrse of social transformations happening in post-Soviet Russia of those times; 3) from the point of view of structural and functional terms, the following four main processes occur in the axiological matrix: devaluation of traditional values; establishment of destructive values because of their roots in the unconscious mental formations; heavy structural assimilation of new values and fast adoption of new destructive values. 


social conditions, axiodynamics, value, public (social) consciousness, post-Soviet Russia, culture, society, human, westernization, transformation

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