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Philosophy and Culture

Politov A.V. Semantic World of the Entity: Chronotope as an Ontological Category

Abstract: The subject of the present research article is the concept of chronotope. Based on the provisions and conclusions of the Russian philosophers of the XXth century who founded the theory of chronotope (A. Ukhtomsky and M. Bakhtin) and the theory of the semantic world (V. Nalimova), the author of the present article sets a goal to create the ontological interpretation of the concept of chronotope that would define chronotope as the semantic world of the entity and the entity would be revealed as chronotope. The author defines the semantic world as the unity of spatial (matter, image, location, change) and time-related (existence, history, attribution to a particular culture-historical epoch, singularity of existence) features of the entity. The methodological basis of the research involves negative dialectics (according to which a contradiction does not necessarily have to be eliminated unlike in Hegel's positive dialectics), Heidegger's and Sartre's phenomenology and Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. Appealling to the semantic world of the entity, it is possible to reveal its image, meaning, history, attribution to a particular epoch, involvement into the unity of the world and human culture. Applying his own theory of chronotope as a universal ontological category, Politov offers such terms as ontological interpretation, semantic world, entity basis, appeal to the semantic world. According to the researcher, the ontological category of chronotope as the semantic world can be used to create an integral description of any entity such as a handy thing, household item, artwork, culture-historical epoch, past event or human himself. 


chronotope, semantic world, ontological interpretation, ontology, historicity of existence, appeal to existence, existing basis, Bakhtin, Nalimov, Ukhtomsky

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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