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Philosophy and Culture

Parshikova G.V. Fractal Approach to the Phenomenon of Ñonsciousness

Abstract: The subject of study in this work is the understanding of fractal invariance of consciousness at the level of concepts, memes,  and mental constructs. The human mind is a coexistence of a subject's information component and qualitative component as a phenomenological foundation for the mental representations of reality that is reduced to the fractal nominator. These two components can be considered as the "variables" of consciousness that are filled in during the life cycle. The author of the article shows that self-similarity as the basic principle of fractality embedded in the language and any mental structures. The qualitative states with a variety of substantive meanings act as a link between the item and representation and express fractal characteristics. The methodological basis of the research is based on the fractal-synergy concept involving the study of self-organization and structural self-similarity at the level of systems and subsystems of existence. To analyze individual problems of consciousness the author has used cognitive-informational and phenomenological methods. The scientific novelty of this paper consists in considering the phenomenon of consciousness through the prism of fractal. The application of the fractal approach to the study of the phenomenon of consciousness allows to detect self-similarity of the whole in all of its parts and the existence of links, branches of global structures stored in the mind, to small parts (concepts).


invariance, holographic, fractality, qualia, fractal, frame, meme, concept, representation, self-similarity

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