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Administrative and municipal law

Titov E.E. Anti-competitive administrative offences: problems of value definitions use

Abstract: The article is devoted to the peculiarities of formulation of a constituent element of administrative anti-competitive offences. The author notes the abundance of value definitions which law enforcers have to use when penalizing for administrative anti-competitive offences. The article reveals and considers the problems of value definitions use and offers the ways of their solution. The author considers the methods defined in the general theory of law which allow the efficient use of value definitions in everyday law enforcement practice of the authorities.The methodology is based on the general scientific methods: deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, and the special scientific methods: the comparative legal method, the formal logical and the historical-legal method. The author comes to the conclusions:1) the use of value definitions causes difficulties for law enforcement2) in order to use value definitions correctly there should be developed legal guarantees, such as the adjustment of terminology, the establishment of specifications, the development and establishing of the criteria of certain value definitions


development of criteria, establishment of specifications, adjustment of terminology, elements of offence, value definitions, anti-competitive administrative offences, competition, antimonopoly law, administrative law, administrative responsibility

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