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Administrative and municipal law

Chvyakin V.A. Juvenile administrative delinquency

Abstract: The article presents the data, important in the sphere of juvenile administrative delinquency. As the object of the research the author considers deviant behavior of juvenile offenders and adolescents inclined to delinquent behavior. The subject of the study includes socio-psychological peculiarities of personality and individual psychological traits (accentuations), the structure of which determines the moral regulation of behavior, value orientations of a teenager's personality and especially his deviant behavior.The methodology of the research is based on the concepts of administrative jurisdiction, social control, and administrative delinquency, formed in criminology, social psychology, and legal psychology. It is shown that from a socio-psychological point of view deviant behavior of adolescents is a significant problem. It results from the fact that deviant behavior is typical for most teenagers, and many researchers consider it as an age-specific behavioral norm. On the other hand, deviant behavior contains a risk of socio-pathological deformations of personality in which deviant behavior is socially dangerous. The most extreme option in this row is delinquent, i.e. illegal, behavior of adolescents who commit crimes of varying severity.Currently juvenile delinquency is characterized by special impudence, cynicism and a complete lack of moral regulation of behavior. The dynamics of structural, motivational and other characteristics of juvenile delinquency, which are important for criminology from a socio-psychological point of view, confirms the need for a significant intensification and a wider application of measures of social control as a normative regulator of behavior and realization of personal goals of juvenile offenders.


Accentuation of character, structure of character, Social control, Moral normativity, Social psychology, Underage teenager, Administrative offence, Value orientation, Deviant behavior, Delinquent behavior

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