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Bocharnikov I.V. Non-nuclear deterrence as a factor of security and sovereignty of Russia in modern conditions

Abstract: This article analyzes the decisions made by Russian high military and political authorities in order to ensure national and military security of the country, including those reflected in the new edition of the Military Doctrine. The chief factor for securing Russian sovereignty is non-nuclear deterrence, which was declared in the Russian Military Doctrine for the first time. Based on the analysis of existing military and political situation in the world, the article describes the author's vision of the most prospective vectors of its content. The methodological basis of this article contains the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-politicao, geopolitical and cultural-civilizational approaches, as well as the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. This article offers the main bundles of vectors for non-nuclear deterrence, which are described in the Military Doctrine. Their full realization will, in our opinion, guarantee the deterrence of aggression, as well as ensure military security of the country. The logic of the Military Doctrine is obvious - to create conditions that would eliminate any temptation to test Russia's defenses. The general motif of late 2014 decisions regarding security is the statement that Russia has interests that need defending, personnel and materiel that will ensure this defense, and strategic deterrence system as the key factor in this plan.


state, diplomacy, conflicts, Non-nuclear deterrence, geopolitics, politics, management, OTAN, USA, security

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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