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Politics and Society

Voynikanis E.A. Social Interests and Their Role in Legal Regulation

Abstract: The subject of the research is the understanding of the term "public interests" in the legal theory, as well as the value which it has for legal regulation. Classification of interests and the place of public interests in concepts of philosophy and sociology of law are analysed. Special attention is paid to consideration of public interest in cultural progress from the point of view of paradigm approach. It is shown that the same public interest allows various interpretations and impacts the legal policy. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis have been used in the research, as well as historical-legal and formal juridicial methods. The author draws a conclusion that the most relevant problem is the gnoseological one, reflecting the need for timely identification and adequate interpretation of public interests. The author sees the legal task in the choice of adequate legal tools and correct embedding of significant public interest into the legal system of the state.


sociology of law, legal system, legal epistemology, paradigm approach, public interests, public interests, interest, interest law, public good, intellectual rights

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