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Politics and Society

Bol'shakova Yu.M., Mikhal'chenkova N.A. Satisfaction with the Quality of Public Services Provided by the Multifunctional Centres: A Sociological Analysis

Abstract: The present article is aimed at the analysis of efficiency and performance of the delivery of public and municipal services in the multifunctional centres. The multifunctional centres of the Komi Republic have been chosen as the object of the research. The problems of the delivery of public and municipal services to the inhabitants of the Komi Republic are the subject of the research. The article sociologically evaluates the range of social issues, social forms of their construction and social reproduction faced by thr inhabitants of the Komi Republic when resorting to the delivery of public and municipal services. Their significance for the population has been evaluated, including the evaluation of every most socially significant public and municipal service. The main research method implies representative sociological survey of the inhabitants of the Komi Republic, as well as the methods of analysis of the social context of construction and deconstruction of social issues. The conducted research demonstrates the need for the employment of the services provided by the multifunctional centres, and the dynamics of the demand for public and municipal services in general, as well as for their certain kinds. The study has uncovered the orientation of the real values and the evaluation of the performance of the services of being in demand among the population, and other parameters of quality of the delivery of public and municipal services to the citizens.The research has identified the range of problems faced by the inhabitants of the Komi Republic when resorting to the public and municipal services, has evaluated their significance for the receivers, including all the most socially important public and municipal services.


service, public services, municipal services, multifunctional centres, quality of state administration, service state, standards of living, monitoring, information, standard of service

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