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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Pogontseva D.V. Attitudes towards young women with different design external appearance: the role of hijab

Abstract: In this paper the author considers the peculiarities of the treatment of women in connection with the ethno-religious characteristics of the processing of their appearance (for example hijab). The object of the study were 56 people (30 women and 26 men) aged 18 to 30 years (mean age 27 years), residents of the city of Rostov-on-Don. This age group was chosen due to the fact that young people are most susceptible to influence and manipulation group. The study used Cook-Medley hostility scale (method translated and adapted Yu.A.Mendzheritskoy), as well as the author's questionnaire, which consisted of stimulus material (2 sets of photographs - the 5 girls in first case was a portrait shot from the front with natural make-up, a second set - the same girl, but in black hijab), respondents were asked to assess the attitude of the girls represented in the photographs on a scale from friendly to hostile. Based on the results we can say that the level of aggression can lead to a negative, hostile attitude towards the Muslim girl (based solely on the design of external appearance), moreover men were more likely rated their attitude to the girls in hijab as a more hostile.


aggressiveness, hostility, Islam, psychology of attitude, design of external appearance, appearance, social psychology, hijab, friendliness, discrimination

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